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Developing Dynamics of EU-Africa Relations

Cristina Barrios | 7 Jul 2016

This podcast is performed by Cristina Barrios. As the EU shapes its new Global Strategy, the strategy for Africa is to trigger “a virtuous circle in the development-security-migration nexus” and promote a comprehensive approach to the continent. The post-Cotonou agreement framework will need to bolster a security and economic partnership between Africa and the EU, since both actors could benefit from a rebalancing of the relationship, learning lessons from the inadequacy of a donor-recipient approach. The European environment is no longer “so prosperous, so secure, nor so free” and challenges regarding demographics, migration and terrorism on both continents are deeply intertwined. While Sub-Saharan Africa could become a great engine of growth owing to an abundance of natural resources, a young population, surging external demand and a consumer boom, significant economic and socio-political risks also remain. Increasing cooperation and proposing a global approach on migration, security and economic issues is critical for the EU-Africa partnership to achieve, and benefit from, sustainable development. This briefing will give an overview of the EU Global Strategy, with a focus on rethinking the EU-Africa partnership, and will discuss how the Commission and the EEAS will cooperate to implement the lessons learnt from the 2003 European Security Strategy and the Cotonou agreement to help unlock Africa’s potential.


Innovation au Cœur de l'Engagement Climatique, Quels Effets sur les Modes de Consommation Énergétique ?

Aurélie Faure Schuyer | 7 Jun 2016

Ce podcast est délivré par Aurélie Faure Schuyer. Cette intervention s’articulera autour de la question de l’innovation et de son impact sur les profils et modes de consommation énergétique, ainsi que sur le rôle du stockage d’énergie dans la transition énergétique et les politiques de dé-carbonisation. Il conviendra de présenter la dynamique, qui sous-tend l’innovation. L’innovation se caractérise par une deux éléments: un soutien ou relance des investissements au niveau économique, en même temps qu’une dynamique de réformes politique et sociétale (on pourra faire référence aux limites de l’indicateur de PIB et au fait que le bien-être d’un pays/d’une société peut s’appréhender, notamment à travers la préservation de l’environnement).
Le briefing permettra de s’intéresser aux acteurs de l’innovation, notamment, quel rôle pour le consommateur final (auto-producteur ?).
Il évoquera le sens donné à l’innovation au sein de l’Accord Climat de Paris, un sens principalement "technologique". Dans cette perspective, il présentera le rôle du stockage comme véhicule d’innovation et de transformation des systèmes énergétiques.


Marché des matières premières : vers une nouvelle ère ?

Pierre-Noel Girauld | 2 Jun 2016

Ce podcast est délivré par Pierre-Noel Girauld. Il est Professeur d’économie à Mines ParisTech et à Paris Dauphine. Membre fondateur de l’Académie des Technologies, membre du Conseil Scientifique d’EDF et d’Orange et membre du Conseil d’Areva NC.


Growing Cybersecurity Threats in the Atlantic: What’s the Plan?

Tim Ridout | 2 Jun 2016

This podcast is performed by Tim Ridout. Cybersecurity threats continue to increase as more electronic devices and systems connect to the Internet. Aside from hackers directly penetrating systems to steal information or disrupt services, the speed and ease with which people can communicate has enabled terrorist organizations to recruit fighters and spread their messages on a greater scale. The technical complexity of cyberspace (i.e. globally networked electronics) and the social changes it brings makes policy discussions very difficult, especially between different professional communities.
But strategies and plans are being developed to manage these new threats around the Atlantic space and the rest of the world. The United States is engaging with a host of partner countries to share information and expertise even as it develops its own cyber strategy. In Latin America, cyber threats tend to be related to organized crime, whereas the United States and Europe also worry about threats to critical infrastructure such as electric grids. In Africa, many countries are less reliant on cyberspace, which protects them from vulnerabilities, but increasing use of mobile devices for communication and payment will bring with them greater security and criminal threats. This briefing will give a quick overview of the challenges of cyberspace and will discuss how some countries in the Atlantic are addressing these new threats.

