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Pedro da Motta Veiga

Pedro da Motta Veiga is a director at CINDES (Centro de Estudos de Integração e Desenvolvimento)and partner/diretor at Ecostrat Consultores. He is a regional consultant at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, permanent consultant at the National Confederation of Industry of Brazil (CNI), member and coordinator of the Steering Committeee at the Latin American Trade Network (LATN).





Sandra Polónia Rios

Sandra Polónia Rios is a director at CINDES (Centro de Estudos de Integração e Desenvolvimento) and partner at Ecostrat Consultores. Her areas of expertise include international trade negotiations and trade policy. She teaches at Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and acts as a permanent consultant at the National Confederation of Industry of Brazil (CNI). Sandra Rios has a graduation in Economics, with a master’s degree at PUC-RJ. She also acted as coordinator at CNI and researcher at Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA - RJ).