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Theodore H. Moran

Theodore H. Moran holds the Marcus Wallenberg Chair at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, where he teaches and conducts research at the intersection of international economics, business, foreign affairs, and public policy. Dr. Moran is founder of the Landegger Program in International Business Diplomacy, and serves as Director in providing courses on international business-government relations and negotiations to some 600 undergraduate and graduate students each year.

His recent books include Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Benefits, Suspicions, and Risks with Special Attention to FDI from China (with Lindsay Oldenski, Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2013), Foreign Direct Investment and Development: Launching a Second Generation of Policy Research: Avoiding the Mistakes of the First, Reevaluating Policies for Developed and Developing Countries (Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2011).

Dr. Moran is a consultant to multinational agencies and governments on strategies to use foreign direct investment for development, to foster supply chain expansion, and to promote backward linkages via local vendor development and certification programs. He is advisor to the Trade and Competitiveness Initiative of the IFC/World Bank.

Professor Moran received his PhD from Harvard. He is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.