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  1. Biden’s Surprises Uri Dadush Posted : May 17, 2021

    Joe Biden’s victory in the U.S. elections was widely anticipated, and much of what has happened since he took office on January 21 has conformed to his election promise. The progress he helped steer in vaccinations and repairing the pandemic’s economic damage is especially impressive. However, the first 100 days of his term have also seen major unexpected developments.

  2. Dilemme français, avancées indiennes, désintérêt américain, tassement chinois, appétits russes et turcs… l’état des rivalités de puissance en Afrique Sabine Cessou Posted : May 11, 2021

    « Les rivalités de puissance en Afrique » ont été décryptées, le 4 mai 2021, lors de la 10ème édition des « Dialogues stratégiques », plateforme d’analyse et d’échange Nord-Sud qui, deux fois par an, réunit les experts et chercheurs du Policy Center for the New South (Rabat) et du Centre HEC de Géopolitique (Paris).

  3. The Engagement of the United States in the Sahel Rida Lyammouri Posted : May 04, 2021

    The Sahelian states of Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso continue to face unprecedented violence arising from multidimensional conflicts.

  4. ADEL Portrait : Seleman Kitenge, Project Assistant and Speech Writer for the CEO of AUDA-NEPAD Sabine Cessou Posted : April 09, 2021

    As a Project Assistant responsible for Speech Writing in the Office of Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD, Seleman Kitenge, born in 1989 in Tanzania, is now based in Johannesburg. He was first a volunteer for the African Union (AU) in the same role for one year, before being hired in August 2020 by the AU Development Agency.

  5. The size of Biden’s fiscal package Otaviano Canuto Posted : February 22, 2021

    The monetary policy report submitted by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to the U.S. Congress on Friday Feb. 19 showed that the Fed’s members have improved economic growth expectations for 2021 and 2022, expect lower unemployment rates.

  6. Biden’s Fast Start Uri Dadush Posted : February 09, 2021

    The new president of the United States has already issued over 40 executive orders, reversing many of Donald Trump’s most contentious policies. Biden’s arrival will likely help heal internal and international divisions. His policies are also likely to boost U.S. economic growth in the short-run and make it more equitable and sustainable.

  7. La disparition de DG DEVCO : mauvais temps pour la coopération internationale au développement Iván Martín Posted : January 18, 2021

    La crise sanitaire a porté un coup dur au modèle de la coopération internationale au développement par projets, la modalité la plus répandue. Finies (ou presque, ou en tout cas mutées à des modalités de télétravail) les myriades de gestionnaires de projets et d’experts internationaux et nationaux pour des missions de formulation, d’assistance technique, d’évaluation.
