Dialogues Stratégiques : La démondialisation Eugène Berg, Pascal Chaigneau, Jérémy Ghez, Larabi Jaidi , Mohammed Loulichki , Fathallah Oualalaou , Henri-Louis Védie | May 03, 2021 Les Dialogues Stratégiques, une collaboration entre HEC Center for Geopolitcs et Policy Center for the New South, représentent une plateforme d’...
African Peace and Security Annual Conference – APSACO : COVID-19 & SECURITY IN AFRICA April 19, 2021 The fourth edition of the African Peace & Security Annual Conference (APSACO) was held on September 23-25, 2020 under the theme ‘COVID-19 &...
The Impact of New Technologies on Employment and the Workforce: What are the Implications for Developing Countries, Especially in Africa? Hamza Saoudi | March 24, 2021 New technologies, such as automation, artificial intelligence and industrial robots, are often seen as a real danger for existing jobs and also for...
Climbing a High Ladder - Development in the Global Economy Otaviano Canuto | February 26, 2021 Economic development analysis must inevitably rely on a double methodological standpoint. On the one hand, it needs to search for common features,...
ATLANTIC CURRENTS: An Annual Report On Wider Atlantic Perspectives And Patterns - The COVID-19 Crisis Viewed from the South February 25, 2021 The Atlantic Current’s 7th edition provides a unique overview and in-depth analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic as seen from the Atlantic, and the...
From Crisis to Recovery in the Western Mediterranean: Challenges and opportunities on the road to a post-COVID-19 sustainable growth Joint report | February 03, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures to fight its spread have plunged the global economy into a historical contraction. In a Western Mediterranean... De la crise à la relance en méditerranée occidentale : Défis et opportunités sur le chemin d’une croissance durable post-Covid-19 La pandémie Covid-19 et les mesures prises pour lutter contre sa propagation ont plongé l’économie mondiale dans une récession historique. Dans une...