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A socioeconomic analysis of ride-hailing emergence and expansion in São Paulo, Brazil

Eduardo A. Haddad , Renato Schwambach Vieira , Miguel Stevanato Jacob, Ana Waksberg Guerrini, Eduardo Germani , Fernando Barreto , Miguel Luiz Bucalem, Pedro Levy Sayon | June 03, 2019

This paper estimates the socioeconomic impacts of the emergence and expansion of e-hailing services in São Paulo, Brazil. Combining data from a major...

Current Account Adjustments and Exchange Rate Arrangements: What Regime for African Countries?

Abdelaaziz AIT ALI , Mohamed OBAIDY | May 30, 2019

This paper empirically examines the impact of exchange rate arrangements on current account imbalances within the African context. Following...

Bretton Woods system: did we throw the baby out with the bathwater ? Lessons for developing economies

Mouhamadou M. LY | May 29, 2019

The world economy has gone through several systems to determine a value between country’s currencies. After the Second World War and the so-called...

Strengthening the Rules-Based Trading System

T20 experts , Uri Dadush | May 28, 2019

The world trading system has been remarkably successful in many respects but is presently under tremendous strain. The causes are deep-seated and...

The UK’s policy towards Africa post-Brexit

Juliana Suess, Project Officer and Research Analyst, RUSI | May 24, 2019

On the eve of Britain’s exit from the European Union, the country is redefining its international approach. The United Kingdom has already taken...

Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Vision 2025: Building an Atlantic Community

Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders | May 24, 2019

The concept of a “Wider Atlantic” has been finding its way into mainstream discourse, as it is progressively molding into an alternative to the...

The escalating China-US trade dispute: economic and geopolitical implications for Sub-Saharan Africa

Uri Dadush | May 22, 2019

The trade tensions between the United States and China will cause only minor immediate damage to their giant economies. However, tariffs have...

The Crisis in World Trade

Akman, S., Armstrong, S., Braga, C., Dadush, U. , Gonzalez, A., Kimura, F., Nagakawa, J., Rashish, P., Tamura, A. | May 15, 2019

This policy brief (PB), prepared for the G-20 Working Group on Trade, aims to provide decision-makers with a succinct review of the state of the...

Energies renouvelables en Afrique : Enjeux, défis et opportunités

Rim Berahab | May 14, 2019

Les pays du continent africain ont connu une croissance sans précédent au cours des deux dernières décennies. L’énergie, pilier fondamental du...

A Nexus Approach for the MENA Region—From Concept to Knowledge to Action

Holger Hoff, Sajed Aqel Alrahaife, Rana El Hajj, Kerstin Lohr, Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub , Nadim Farajalla, Kerstin Fritzsche, Guy Jobbins, Gül Özerol, Robert Schultz, Anne Ulrich | May 13, 2019

Adopting an integrated approach to the management and governance of natural resources including land, water and energy is seen as an effective way to...
