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Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo et Michael Kremer L'Economie du développement gagne ses lettres de noblesse

Henri-Louis Vedie | February 21, 2020

En distinguant trois économistes reconnu(e)s pour leurs travaux sur l'approche de la pauvreté, les Nobel 2019 ont redonné ses lettres de...

Stakes and symbolism of the "Round Table" in the settlement of international conflicts: the cases of Vietnam and the Sahara

Mohammed Loulichki | February 20, 2020

The initiation and conduct of any negotiation are not solely dependent on the positions of parties, their willingness to make concessions and,...

Les enjeux et la symbolique de la “Table ronde” dans le réglement des conflits internationaux : les cas du Vietnam et du Sahara

Le lancement et la conduite de toute négociation ne dépendent pas seulement des positions des parties, de leur volonté de faire des concessions et,...

Should we be concerned for our environment, ecology and biodiversity?

Hynd Bouhia | February 18, 2020

The future of our environment, ecology and biodiversity raises a number of questions. Vigilance is critical to preseving both Morocco and the planet...

Avons-nous peur pour notre environnement, notre écologie et notre biodiversité ?

On se pose plusieurs questions sur le futur de notre environnement, notre écologie et notre biodiversité. On doit tirer la sonnette d’alarme pour...

Avons-nous peur pour notre environnement, notre écologie et notre biodiversité ?

Hynd Bouhia | February 18, 2020

On se pose plusieurs questions sur le futur de notre environnement, notre écologie et notre biodiversité. On doit tirer la sonnette d’alarme pour...

Should we be concerned for our environment, ecology and biodiversity?

The future of our environment, ecology and biodiversity raises a number of questions. Vigilance is critical to preseving both Morocco and the planet...

Bridging the Digital Divide with upskilling strategies which unlock an expert IoT workforce: A way forward for AUDA-NEPAD

Seleman Yusuph Kitenge* | February 12, 2020

The internet of Things as a disruptive technology of the day and trend brings in a huge sense of connectivity and interaction not only between...

Brazil is in dire need of more and better infrastructure investments

Otaviano Canuto | January 31, 2020

A recent Ipsos survey found the Brazilian population to be the most dissatisfied with infrastructure services (transportation, energy, water and...

The strategic extension of the United Arab Emirates: Determinants, objectives and some implications for the Horn of Africa

Jamal Machrouh | January 30, 2020

Increasingly, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) strengthens its position within the Arab region that is of strong geopolitical attributes. There has...

La “révolution énergétique” américaine : les Etats-Unis vont devenir un exportateur net de pétrole en 2020

Francis Perrin | January 23, 2020

Selon les projections officielles de l’U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), les Etats-Unis deviendraient en 2020 un pays exportateur net de...

Maroc/Mauritanie : Intérêts stratégiques communs

Youssef Tobi , Youssef El Jai | January 22, 2020

Ce Policy Brief vise à : • présenter la Mauritanie à travers sa géographie et sa politique intérieure ; • examiner les relations entre le Maroc et...

Geo-Politics in the Horn of Africa

Hisham Aidi | January 21, 2020

"The Great Game", as it has been called, has been playing out in the region, layering new rivalries and ideological quarrels, onto...
