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L’Afrique face aux defis proteiformes du cyberespace

Mourad El Manir | December 03, 2019

Le prix du meilleur roman africain de science-fiction au titre de l’année 2017 avait été remporté par Tade Thompson pour son livre intitulé «...

Diagnostic Stratégique de l’émergence économique du Maroc

Moubarack Lo | November 28, 2019

Le préalable et la première démarche d’une bonne évaluation de la marche du Maroc vers l’émergence consistent à bien clarifier ce concept. C’est le...

The State of China-European Union Economic Relations

Uri Dadush , Marta Domínguez-Jiménez, Tianlang Gao | November 26, 2019

China and the European Union have an extensive and growing economic relationship. The relationship is problematic because of the distortions caused...

EMBRAER and the trajectory of Brazil’s aeronautics industry ecosystem

Pedro da Motta Veiga, Sandra Polónia Rios | November 14, 2019

Created as a State-owned company in the late 1960s, Embraer was privatized in the mid- 1990s and became the main Brazilian company producing and...

Le développement des hydrocarbures en Afrique de l’Est, Défis politiques et sécuritaires

Benjamin AUGE | October 29, 2019

L’ Afrique de l’Est a le potentiel de connaître un boom gazier et d’ exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) ces...

Humanitarian Assistance as Peace-Keeping - Beyond Charity -

Shoji Matsumoto | October 24, 2019

Due to the prevailing nationalism, the prospect of increase in voluntary donation for humanitarian assistance by States and citizens in charity is...

L’Angola sous Joao Lourenço, un changement a minima de l’État MPLA

Benjamin AUGE | October 16, 2019

En 2017, l’arrivée au pouvoir de João Lourenço a mis un terme à près de quatre décennies de règne de l’ancien chef de l’État, José Eduardo Dos Santos...

From Asian Green Revolution 1.0 to Sustainable Green Revolution 2.0

Isabelle TSAKOK , Tharcisse GUEDEGBE | September 27, 2019

This paper is about the basic principles which should guide fertilizer policy for smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa It is not about...

The Concept of Developing Country from International Legal Perspectives in Post NIEO/UNCTAD World

Shoji Matsumoto | September 25, 2019

The concept of ‘developing country’ is now a source of controversy, asking “Is China a developing country?”, for example. The normative implications...

Africa & Europe Different Demographic Trends Seeds for a Smart Partnership.

Len Ishmael | September 18, 2019

In Africa’s impending demographic dividend and the looming threat posed by Europe’s aging, lie the seeds of an agenda with the possibilities...
