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Health Capacities as New Power Instrument

Akram Zaoui & Salma Daoudi | 4 June 2021

The COVID crisis has demonstrated that health can be described as both (geo)political and economic capital, thus emphasizing the role it can play in power struggles at different scales. Although the pandemic has raised the necessity to create new paradigms for the governance of global goods, including health, reaching this objective might prove to be complicated by a range of a factors.

Bridging the Gender Gap: Gender, Science and Technology

Nihal El Mquirmi & Amanda O Mathe (ADEL) | 2 Jun 2021

Although there is growing recognition that Science, Technology and Innovation can contribute significantly to promoting development, STI policies generally lack a gender perspective, and therefore do not adequately and equitably address all development concerns. At present, there is a gender imbalance in S&T education in many countries. While it is true that digital and financial inclusion platforms do empower, their use also demands literacy and training, and it is the access to the technology-focused education that is so unequal. In this episode, Amanda O Mathe, Founder and Director of Ndlovukazi Online Media, Founder of Qhakaza Girl IT and an Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leader alumna discusses the participation of women and girls in STEM sectors, the challenges they encounter and how to tackle them.

Royaume-Uni: Tourner la page du Brexit

Dominique Bocquet & Hamza Mjahed | 28 May 2021

Le Brexit est une situation sans précédent où, pour la première fois dans l’histoire, un membre a décidé de quitter l’Union européenne et tracer sa propre voie dans le monde. Depuis, le Royaume-Uni se trouve confronté à de nombreux défis qui détermineront son avenir. Pour aborder ce sujet, Dominique Bocquet, Senior Fellow au Policy Center for the New South, propose une lecture des événements entourant le Brexit et ses effets consécutifs.

Bridging the Gender Gap: Women in Media

Lilia Rizk & Omayra Issa (ADEL) | 26 May 2021

For media to be most effective in serving their communities, the range of broadcasters, print and online platforms must reflect the diversity and range of opinions of their audiences. Diversity in media is a larger topic, and today we will be focusing on gender and media, more specifically on the underrepresentation of women in media. As of today, gender inequality in media is still prevalent and Around the world, women are far less likely than men to be seen in the media. The underrepresentation of women has crossed over from traditional media into the digital news world as well, and has some significant consequence that we will be discussing.

COVID-19 and the debt problems in Africa

Hinh Dinh & Badr Mandri | 21 May 2021

In these times of crisis, concerns about debt levels in low-income countries, particularly those in Africa, are growing. In recent months, countries on the continent have defaulted on their debts, while others have announced their intention to restructure their debts. The international community has reacted by initiating debt suspensions in favor of the poorest countries. However, the situation requires special attention with a more global mobilization. To discuss this issue, Badr Mandri, an economist at the Policy Center for the New South, welcomes Mr. Hinh Dinh, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South.
