2019 Addressing the new landscape of Terrorism
The third edition of the Addressing the New Landscape of Terrorism international conference series will situate the northern African perspective within the overall context of what we know about ISIS extremism and practical approaches in Australia, Europe and Southeast Asia to diminishing its impact globally. The perspectives of 40 practitioners, policy-makers, academics and civil society actors will be brought together on international approaches to preventing and minimising the risk of radicalisation and countering violent extremism, particularly amongst young people.
In partnership with the Victoria University, the conference will include plenary sessions led by a panel of experts on the themes of returning foreign fighters and disengagement, homegrown terrorism, the impact of media terrorism reporting, the importance of civil society in preventing and countering violent extremism, and youth mental health and countering violent extremism. There will be opportunities for the panelists and experts to actively engage, interact, deepen the information exchange and formulate applied outcomes in the subsequent workshops.
The conference will bridge the gap between grassroots and front-line practitioners, policy-makers and academics while amplifying young people’s voices and promoting their active participation as agents of change.
Day 1: Monday 22 April 2019 |
08:00 – 09:00 |
Registration |
09:00 – 09:30 |
Victoria University and Partners Official Welcome President, Policy Center for the New South, Morocco: Karim EL AYNAOUI Deputy Vice Chancellor of Victoria University: Professor Marcia Devlin Ambassador, Embassy of Australia in Morocco: H.E Berenice Owen Jones Conference Convenor, Victoria University: Dr. Virginie Andre Conference co-Convenor: Dr. Debra Smith, Victoria University |
09:30 – 10:00 |
KEYNOTE ADDRESS The Maghreb and the Challenges of Countering Violent Extremism |
10:00 – 11:30 |
Session I: Returning Foreign Fighters: Threat, Disengagement and Rehabilitation Chair: Bruce McFarlane (Law enforcement practitioner, Australia) -“Foreign Terrorist Fighters: What To Do And What To Expect” Abdelhak Bassou, (Policy Center for the New South, Morocco) - What Position For Probation With People Sentenced For Terrorism-Related Acts Or Suspected of Violent Radicalism or Extremism? Annie Devos, House of Justice, Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Belgium. (Via video recording) - Disengagement and Rehabilitation of Foreign Terrorist Fighters Oomar Mulbocus (WL Initiative, UK) - “The Returning ‘Others’: The Risk Management, Resettlement And Re-Humanization Of Returning Terrorist Fighters” Anthony Vitale (Monash University, Australia) - “Challenges and Perspectives of Rehabilitation Former Combatants: The Case Study of Fighters for Peace / Lebanon” Christina Foerch (Fighters for Peace, Lebanon) - “The Pioneering Movement: Dismantling Hate with Our Humanity” Samy Rangel (Life after Hate, USA) |
11:30 – 11:45 |
Morning Tea |
11:45 – 12:15 |
Special Lecture “Homegrown Terrorism and Community Policing” Abid Raja, Scotland Yard, UK |
12:15 – 13:30 |
Session 2: Homegrown Terrorism: New Challenges? Chair: Dr. James Barry (Deakin University, Australia) - “Group-Based Relative Deprivation Explains Endorsement of Extremism Among Western-Born Muslims” Milan Obaidi (C-Rex, Norway) (via video recording) - “Homegrown Terrorism: Grievance, Protest and Injustice - A Historical Analysis of Islamist Terrorism and The Need For Critical Thinking To Build Resilience” Najeeb Ahmed (Prevent, UK) - “Domestic Terrorism from the Far Right and White supremacy: Trends and Challenges” Robert Orell (Exit Sweden, Sweden /EU RAN) - “Mobilisation Strategies of Far-Right Movements in Victoria, Australia” DR Debra Smith (VU, Australia) - “From Societal Polarisation to Political Violence: Emerging Question in Europe” Hadelin Feront (Bravvo, Belgium) - “The Relevance Of A Holistic Approach To The Process Of Ending Violence: The Expe- rience Of Fighting Boko Haram In The Lake Chad Basin” Dr. Bakary Sambe (Timbuktu Institute, Senegal) |
14:15 – 15:00 |
Special Documentary Screening “For the Sins of the Fathers” (in Dutch subtitled English) A Documentary by Rudi Vranckx (VRT, Belgium) FOR SPEAKER AND PARTNERS ONLY |
Workshops (For Speakers and Partners Only) |
15:00 – 16:30 |
Returning foreign figthers / homegrown terrorism |
16:30 – 16:45 |
Afternoon tea |
16:45 – 18:30 |
Returning foreign figthers / homegrown terrorism |
Day 2: Tuesday 23 April 2019 |
09:00 – 09:10 |
Welcome Welcome from the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission of Thailand Dr. Srisooksai Dhanakorn ( on behalf of Commissioner LT. Gen. Dr Perapong Manakit) |
09:10 – 09:50 |
Keynote Address “The Perennial Propaganda Calculus in Terrorism” Prof. Brigitte Nacos (Columbia University, USA/VOX-Pol, EU) |
09:50 – 10:15 |
Special Lecture “Media Terrorism Reporting: A Front Line Practitioner’s Perspective” Dr. Virginie Andre (Victoria University, Australia) |
10:15 – 11:30 |
Session 1: Media Terrorism Reporting Impact and CVE Chair: Dr. Brigitte Nacos (Columbia University, USA) - “Reporting on Terrorism on the ISIS Era: An Unprecedented Challenge For Journalists, Governments And The Media” Marc Maginedas (El Periodico, Spain) (Via Video recording) - “Media Reporting on Daesh” Cassie Hearn (Global Coalition Against Daesh) - “Media In The Age of Terror” Ummit Sethi (Former Lapis Communication, UAE) - “Is Media Contributing To The Rise of Islamophobia In The West?” Mohammed Kozbar (Finsbury Park Mosque, UK) - “Media Impact On Social Cohesion And Inter Group Contact: A Comparative Study of Shepparton and Bendigo” Dr. James Barry (Deakin University, Australia) - “Treating Victims and Survivors of Conflit with Respect and Dignity: Creating Guidelines on Interviewing Victims and Survivors of Violent Conflict” Cheryl Lawther (Queen’s University Belfast, UK) |
11:30 – 11:45 |
Morning Tea |
11:45 – 12:15 |
Special Lecture “Civil Society and the Challenge of CVE” Ahmed Rehab (CAIR, Chicago) |
12:15 – 13:30 |
Session 2: Civil Society And CVE Chair: Alyas Karmani (Sharing Voices, UK) - “Grassroots Approaches to Peacebuilding: Prospects and Challenges” Dr. Houda Abadi (The Carter Centre, Morocco) - “A Time For Change: What Role Does Law Enforcement Have In CVE?” Bruce McFarlane (Law enforcement practitioner, Australia) - “What Solutions To Get French And Belgian Jihadist Women Out of Radicalisation?” Agnes De Feo (EHESS, France) - “Religion 2.0” Abdelkader Railane (Mission Locale, France) - Civil Society’s Role in Transforming Violent Extremism Megan Smith (Search for Common Ground, Morocco) (TBC) - “Victim Support Place in CVE” Lyes Bouabdallah (PAV, France) |
Workshops (For Speakers and Partners Only) |
14:15 – 16:15 |
Media Terrorism Reporting Impact / Civil Society and CVE |
16:15 – 16:30 |
Afternoon tea |
16:30 – 18:30 |
Media Terrorism Reporting Impact / Civil Society and CVE |
Day 3: Wednesday 24 April 2019 |
09:00 – 09:10 |
Welcome Wallonia-Brussels General Delegation in Rabat Mr General Representative Motonobu Kasajima |
09:10 – 10:00 |
Keynote Address “A Ticket for Paradise” Pascal Guyot and Sabine Gutensohn (Entr’Act, France) Sabine Gutensohn (Turquoise Freedom, France) |
10:00 – 10:40 |
Special Lecture “Youth Violent Extremism and Emotional Resilience” Alyas Karmani (Sharing Voices, UK) |
10:40 – 11:00 |
Morning Tea |
11:00 – 13:30 |
Session 1: Youth Mental Health and Violent Extremism Chair: Robert Orell (Exit Sweden, Sweden/EU RAN) - “Growing Up In An Extremist Family” Mehjabeen Thara Mulbocus (LunaArt, UK) - “In the Hope of Finding God” Bitshilualua Kabeya (Former member of evangelical movement, DRC) - “Psychological Push Factors In Recruitment And Resilience Mechanisms” El Mostafa Rezrazi (Policy Center for the New South, Morocco) - “The Importance Of Youth Engagement And Active Participation In CVE” Nuwagaba Muhsin Kadayu (iDove, Uganda) - “Children Returnees: The French Care Framework” Maurween Veyret-Morau (Avicenne Hospital, France) - “Disengagement of Radicalised Minors and Success Factors” Seyfi Kumlu (IPPJ, Belgium) - “A Flemish Action Plan to Prevent Radicalisation and Polarisation with in the Spotlight a Network of Islam Experts” Emilie Le Roi & Khalid Benhaddou (Belgian Flemish Ministry of Education, Belgium) - “Joussour: An Early Intervention and Prevention Program for Youth” Wissem Missaoui (BEDER, Tunisia) & Khalid Benhaddou (Flemish Network of Islam Experts, Belgium) - “Kuɔnykë ɣɛn! (Help me) Shattering Silences And Creating Community Dialogue Using Participatory Film-Making With Young People” Dr. Alison Baker (Victoria University, Australia) - “Share Your Story, Change the Story: The Power of Story Telling” Dr. Virginie Andre (Victoria University, Australia) and Onni Sarvela (Sisu, Finland) |
Workshops (For Speakers and Partners Only) |
14:30 – 15:30 |
Understanding Radicalisation From A Youth Perspective: Participatory Theatre Practice, Empowerment And Social Change |
15:30 – 16:30 |
Youth Mental Health and CVE |
16:30 – 16:45 |
Afternoon tea |
16:45 – 18:30 |
Youth Mental Health and CVE |
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