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Add to Calendar 08/11/2017 15:00 08/11/2017 17:00 Africa/Casablanca Global Economic Outlook OCP Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center is organizing a presentation on the Global Economic Outlook by Dr. Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow at the OCP Policy Center on November 08, 2017 at the OCP Policy Center in Rabat.  OCP Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center false DD/MM/YYYY
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 15:00 to 17:00

Global Economic Outlook

OCP Policy Center, Rabat

OCP Policy Center is organizing a presentation on the Global Economic Outlook by Dr. Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow at the OCP Policy Center on November 08, 2017 at the OCP Policy Center in Rabat. 

The global economy is in the midst of a broadly-based period of moderate growth, the most robust since the financial crisis struck in 2008. Imbalances in the largest economies appear to be manageable, and, since momentum is still building, growth is likely to persist well into next year. However, large and disparate groups are not participating in the global upswing. These include many commodity-dependent nations, those countries beset by conflicts and political instability, and unskilled workers in several countries whose wages are stagnant. In the short-term there is a considerable likelihood that global economic growth could accelerate further, helping everyone. However, in the longer term – beyond 2018 – the global economy faces large downside risks. The most important of these is protectionism. This session of the OCP Policy Center’s Global Outlook will address these issues and also discuss some implications for Morocco.   

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About the Speaker :
  • Uri Dadush

    Uri Dadush est Senior Fellow à OCP Policy Center. Il était Senior Associate et directeur du programme d’économie internationale de Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Ses travaux actuels sont axés sur les tendances de l’économie mondiale et sur la crise financière. Ressortissant français, Dr Dadush a été directeur du service du Commerce international de la Banque mondiale pendant six ans, et, auparavant, directeur de la politique économique de cette organisation pendant trois ans. Parallèlement, il a aussi été à la tête du World Economy Group de la Banque mondiale au cours des onze dernières années, supervisant l’élaboration des rapports phares de la Banque consacrés à l’économie internationale sur cette période. Avant d’entrer à la Banque mondiale, il a été PDG de l’Economist Intelligence Unit, une division de l’Economist Group. Dr Dadush a obtenu un PhD d’économie de l’entreprise à l’université d’Harvard, où il s’était spécialisé dans le commerce international.