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Growth and Jobs in Developing Economies: Trends and Cycles

Zidong An, Tayeb Ghazi , Nathalie Gonzalez Prieto, Aomar Ibourk | September 30, 2019

This paper investigates the relationship between economic growth and job creation in developing economies with a focus on low and lower middleincome...

From Asian Green Revolution 1.0 to Sustainable Green Revolution 2.0

Isabelle TSAKOK , Tharcisse GUEDEGBE | September 27, 2019

This paper is about the basic principles which should guide fertilizer policy for smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa It is not about...

Rapport annuel sur la Géopolitique de l'Afrique 2019

Sous la direction de : Abdelhak Bassou | September 26, 2019

Le Rapport sur la géopolitique de l’Afrique, dénommé lors de ses éditions précédentes « Miroir d’Afrique », s’inscrit dans une série de documents...

Annual Report on Africa’s Geopolitics 2019

True to the ambition and spirit of its inaugural edition (2017), then entitled ‘’Mirror of Africa,’’ the «Annual Report on Africa’s Geopolitics»,...

The Concept of Developing Country from International Legal Perspectives in Post NIEO/UNCTAD World

Shoji Matsumoto | September 25, 2019

The concept of ‘developing country’ is now a source of controversy, asking “Is China a developing country?”, for example. The normative implications...

Taux de Change Fixe / Taux de Change Flottant Le cas du Maroc

Henri-Louis Vedie | September 24, 2019

En pleine transition ordonnée de son régime de change, sous l'autorité bienveillante du Fonds monétaire international (FMI), le Royaume du...

Debt Sustainability and Development Financing in Sub- Saharan Africa: Recent Dynamics

Badr Mandri, Lotfi El Jai | September 18, 2019

Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) currently face a yearly infrastructure financing gap ranging between $68-$108 billion along with other socio-...

Africa & Europe Different Demographic Trends Seeds for a Smart Partnership.

Len Ishmael | September 18, 2019

In Africa’s impending demographic dividend and the looming threat posed by Europe’s aging, lie the seeds of an agenda with the possibilities...

La réforme du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU Bilan et perspectives

Mohammed Loulichki | September 13, 2019

Au moment où le multilatéralisme se trouve mis à mal dans sa triple dimension de maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales, du...

Moroccan Armed Forces in the Face of Geopolitical Mutations

Rachid El Houdaigui | September 09, 2019

One of the first sovereign decisions of independent Morocco was to create the Royal Armed Forces (FAR) on 14 May 1956. Since then, the mission of the...

Inequality in Morocco: An International Perspective

Uri Dadush , Hamza Saoudi | August 23, 2019

Income inequality is high in Morocco. In 2013, the share of national income of the richest 10% in Morocco stood at nearly 32%, 12 times higher than...
