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High and Persistent Skilled Unemployment In Morocco: Explaining it by Skills Mismatch

Thomas Awazu Pereira da Silva | November 09, 2017

This paper sheds light on the increasing and persistent skilled unemployment in Morocco over the past decade – oscillating around 20% of total...

Social Cohesion, Institutions and Public Policies

Ihssane Guennoun | November 07, 2017

In July 2017, the OCP Policy Center published a collective work entitled Social Cohesion, Institutions and Public Policies directed by Professor...

Cohésion Sociale, Institutions et Politiques Publiques

En juillet 2017, l’OCP Policy Center a publié un ouvrage collectif intitulé Cohésion Sociale, Institutions et Politiques Publiques sous la direction...

The Economic Effects of Refugee Return and Policy Implications

Uri Dadush | October 31, 2017

According to the European Union over a million asylum rejected asylum seekers have been ordered to return to their country of origin from Europe...

Jobs, Industrialization, and Globalization

Hinh T. Dinh | October 26, 2017

After many decades of expansion, incomes and standards of living have never been better in many parts of the world. Yet, in the developed economies,...

Linkages and Interdependence in Moroccan Regions

Eduardo Amaral Haddad | October 24, 2017

Input-output tables provide a rich source of information about the structure of economies that is not available from other frameworks. In addition...

Wage stagnation in the United States: some international implications

Uri Dadush | October 23, 2017

The rise of protectionism, economic nationalism and nativism in the United States can be attributed inter alia to the nation’s wage stagnation and...

From rivers to roads: Spatial mismatch and inequality of opportunity in urban labor markets of a megacity

Eduardo A. Haddad , Ana Maria Bonomi Barufi | October 21, 2017

Location decisions of firms and workers shape the spatial distribution of economic activity between and within cities. On one hand, the interaction...

Too high, too fast, too loud? Questioning the soaring prices of minerals and metals

Yves Jégourel | October 18, 2017

The prices of metals -most notably industrial metals- have risen significantly since January 2016, in contrast with 2014 and 2015, which were...

Trop haut, trop vite, trop fort ? L’envolée du prix des minerais et des métaux en question

La forte remontée du prix des « hard commodities » devrait, sans guère de doute, compter parmi les faits saillants de cette année 2017. Si le minerai...

Morocco’s Water Security : Productivity, Efficiency, Integrity

Prepared by Global Nexus | October 13, 2017

Since inception nearly a century ago, corporations and industries have coevolved with Morocco’s legacy of peace and prosperity. With a growing...

Produção científica e redes de colaboração dos docentes vinculados aos programas de pós-graduação em Economia no Brasil

Eduardo A. Haddad , Eduardo A. Haddad, Jesús P. Mena-Chalco, Otávio Sidone | October 11, 2017

Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo sobre as potencialidades da utilização dos dados curriculares derivados das informações da...
