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Med Report 2018 Building Trust: The Challenge of Peace and Stability in the Mediterranean

ISPI , Uri Dadush , Fathallah Oualalou , Tayeb Amegroud | December 24, 2018

In this edition of the Med Report, three Senior Fellows from the Policy Center for the New South contributed to the Report.

“¿Cuáles son los focos de tensión en la relación España-Marruecos?”

Rachid El Houdaigui , Haizam Amirah Fernández, Ignacio Cembrero, Irene Fernández Molina | December 04, 2018

“What are the sources of tension in the Spain-Morocco relationship?”

Regional Disparities

Eduardo A. Haddad , Carlos R. Azzoni | October 01, 2018

This chapter analyzes the emergence of disparities in income and development levels between Brazil’s main regions, in particular the gap that exists...

Securing the 21st Century : Mapping India-Africa Engagement

Edited by : Ihssane Guennoun , Ritika Passi , Rim Berahab | September 07, 2018

This year marks 10 years since the first India-Africa Forum Summit took place, and represents an important moment to take an in-depth look at the...

Slow Recovery to Nowhere? Labor Market Issues in Advanced Economies: Introduction

Nauro Campos, Karim El Aynaoui , Davide Furceri, Prakash Loungani | September 01, 2018

A decade ago, the world faced the prospect of the next Great Depression. The worst did not come to pass. In the 1930s, the unemployment went up to 25...

Croissance économique au Maroc Théories, évidences et leçons des expériences récentes

Numéro spécial des cahiers du plan - Volume 1 | May 25, 2018

Lors du colloque autour du thème « Croissance économique au Maroc : théories, évidences et leçons des expériences récentes », organisé conjointement...


Eduardo A. Haddad , Carlos Alberto Gonçalves Júnior, Thiago Oliveira Nascimento | February 13, 2018

O presente artigo apresenta o processo de estimação de um sistema inter-regional de insumo-produto para os 26 estados brasileiros e o Distrito...

Matriz insumo-producto interregional para colombia

Eduardo A. Haddad , Weslem Faria, Luis Armando Galvis-Aponte, Lucas Wilfried Hahn-De-Castro | January 22, 2018

Este documento presenta un breve resumen de los principales aspectos asociados a la construcción de una matriz de insumoproducto interregional para...
