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Les armes non-létales : vers la guerre propre ?

Rachid El Houdaigui , Abdelhamid El Ouazzan | March 18, 2021

Depuis les années 1960s, la doctrine stratégique assiste à la montée en puissance progressive des armes dites « non-létales », d’abord comme concept...

Non-Lethal Weapons: Towards Clean War?

Starting in the nineteen sixties, strategic doctrine gradually saw the advent of so-called "non-lethal" weapons, first as a concept, then...

Forces et faiblesses de la CEDEAO en 2021

Henri-Louis Vedie | March 17, 2021

Cette étude concerne la Communauté économique des Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO), rappelant, tout d'abord, leur diversité...

Uneven Integration: The Case of Angola

Eduardo A. Haddad , Fernando S. Perobelli , Inácio F. Araújo, Tomaz P. Dentinho | March 16, 2021

Angola’s prospects for reconstruction and development of its poor connectivity infrastructure are heavily dependent upon the export performance of...

Autonomisation économique de la femme marocaine au-delà du mode compassionnel

Bouchra Rahmouni | March 12, 2021

La crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 a mis en exergue les limites de la société-monde. En effet, sans la femme on ne peut faire face aux défis du...

Economic empowerment of Moroccan women beyond the drive for compassion

The Covid-19 health crisis exposed the limitations of our world-society. As a matter of fact, millennium challenges are impossible to face without...

The Challenge of the Youth Bulge in Africa and the Middle East: Migration and The Brain Drain

Amal El Ouassif | March 11, 2021

This Policy Brief was drafted within a partnership with NATO Southern Hub (NSD-S Hub) and was originally published on NSD-S Hub website:

Brazil Agriculture—Response and resilience of food security under dual shocks in 2020: Oil price collapse and the COVID-19 pandemic

Isabelle Tsakok , Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub | March 03, 2021

Brazil, an oil-exporting nation, was still struggling to recover from the depression which started around 2014/15 when it was hit by a quick...

L’agenda de l’Union africaine sur les migrations: Une alternative aux priorités européennes en Afrique ?

Christophe Bertossi, Amal El Ouassif , Matthieu Tardis | February 26, 2021

Si les migrations en provenance d’Afrique constituent la priorité des politiques européennes de contrôle des frontières extérieures de l’Union...

Climbing a High Ladder - Development in the Global Economy

Otaviano Canuto | February 26, 2021

Economic development analysis must inevitably rely on a double methodological standpoint. On the one hand, it needs to search for common features,...

ATLANTIC CURRENTS: An Annual Report On Wider Atlantic Perspectives And Patterns - The COVID-19 Crisis Viewed from the South

| February 25, 2021

The Atlantic Current’s 7th edition provides a unique overview and in-depth analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic as seen from the Atlantic, and the...

Genetically Modified Organisms: Promising or Problematic for Food Security? A Review of Major Developments in Selected Developing Countries - Part II

Isabelle Tsakok , Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub | February 16, 2021

Selected experiences with GMOs in industrialized and developing countries show that the promise of bioengineering for strengthening food security...
