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Related events to Karim El Aynaoui

Add to Calendar 2016-05-02 17:00 2016-05-04 14:00 Africa/Casablanca Africa Think Tank Conference 2016 Building a Sustainable and Secure Future for the People and Institutions of Africa   In recent years several issues facing North Africa have become more and more comparable to the issues facing the rest of Africa.  Additionally, the rest of Africa is experiencing economic growth, and the Mediterranean-facing countries are increasingly looking south for trade and investment opportunities. Marrakesh, Morocco OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
May 02, 2016 to May 04, 2016 More

Africa Think Tank Conference 2016

Building a Sustainable and Secure Future for the People and Institutions of Africa

In recent years several issues facing North Africa have become more and more comparable to the issues facing the rest of Africa.  Additionally, the rest of Africa is experiencing economic growth, and the Mediterranean-facing countries are increasingly looking south for trade and investment opportunities.

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Add to Calendar 2016-04-28 09:00 2016-04-29 17:30 Africa/Casablanca Emerging Countries and the "Return of Geopolitics": Economic and Geopolitical Cross-Sectional Perspectives In 2014, the deceleration of global growth trends revealed wide disparities between emerging countries. While the big emerging countries face a decline in their growth potential, smaller ones continue to show resilience and drive in what seems to be a difficult international grid. The year 2014 also brought along some international tensions, leading to a discursive shift entailing a "return of... Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
April 28, 2016 to April 29, 2016 More

Emerging Countries and the "Return of Geopolitics": Economic and Geopolitical Cross-Sectional Perspectives

In 2014, the deceleration of global growth trends revealed wide disparities between emerging countries. While the big emerging countries face a decline in their growth potential, smaller ones continue to show resilience and drive in what seems to be a difficult international grid.

The year 2014 also brought along some international tensions, leading to a discursive shift entailing a "return of geopolitics" perspective, which in other words explains a return to classical power politics. This consequently questions, both directly and indirectly, the established order, and explains the scope and context of the respective crises, though these vary by region. 

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Add to Calendar 2016-04-25 09:00 2016-04-27 18:15 Africa/Casablanca Atlantic Strategy Group Conference “Towards more Prosperity and Security in the Southern Atlantic” Dakar, Senegal OCP Policy Center and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in partnership with the Institut Panafricain de Stratégies and the Institute Fernando Henrique Cardo, are organizing an Atlantic Strategy Group conference on April 25-27th, 2016 in Dakar, Senegal with a focus on economy, trade, security, governance and human development in the Southern Atlantic. The event will be... Dakar, Senegal OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
April 25, 2016 to April 27, 2016 More

Atlantic Strategy Group Conference “Towards more Prosperity and Security in the Southern Atlantic”

Dakar, Senegal

OCP Policy Center and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, in partnership with the Institut Panafricain de Stratégies and the Institute Fernando Henrique Cardo, are organizing an Atlantic Strategy Group conference on April 25-27th, 2016 in Dakar, Senegal with a focus on economy, trade, security, governance and human development in the Southern Atlantic. The event will be preceded by an informal dinner for conference participants on April 25, 2016.

The convening will see the participation of roughly 40 experts, leading policy makers, academics, businesspeople, and other specialists from Africa, Morocco, Brazil, the United States, and Europe.

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Add to Calendar 2016-04-01 09:00 2016-04-01 18:30 Africa/Casablanca Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives Bruegel and OCP Policy Center, in partnership with Compagnia di San Paolo, are organizing a conference under the theme of “Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives” in the context of a “Platform for Advanced & Emerging Economies Policy Dialogue” to take place from 31 March to 1st April 2016 in Rabat, Morocco. OPC Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
April 01, 2016 More

Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives

Bruegel and OCP Policy Center, in partnership with Compagnia di San Paolo, are organizing a conference under the theme of “Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives” in the context of a “Platform for Advanced & Emerging Economies Policy Dialogue” to take place from 31 March to 1st April 2016 in Rabat, Morocco.

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Add to Calendar 2016-03-09 09:30 2016-03-09 17:00 Africa/Casablanca SIIS – OCPPC Roundtable: Current African Economic and Strategic Challenges and Opportunities; Intersecting Views from China and Morocco   The Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) and OCP Policy Center will jointly hold a roundtable on the current economic and strategic geopolitical challenges and opportunities the African continent faces and represents, on March 9th, 2016 at OCP Policy Center, Rabat.   OCP Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
March 09, 2016 More

SIIS – OCPPC Roundtable: Current African Economic and Strategic Challenges and Opportunities; Intersecting Views from China and Morocco


The Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) and OCP Policy Center will jointly hold a roundtable on the current economic and strategic geopolitical challenges and opportunities the African continent faces and represents, on March 9th, 2016 at OCP Policy Center, Rabat.  

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Add to Calendar 2015-12-14 09:30 2015-12-15 17:30 Africa/Casablanca International Workshop for the Book Project on “The Future of Gas Markets” Rome, Italy OCP Policy Center and the International Affairs Institute (IAI) are organizing an international workshop between December 14th and 15th in Rome in which prominent international experts will discuss different topics related to the future of gas markets. The event will feature the presentation of research papers to be co-published in a book about the future of gas markets. The... Rome, Italy OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
December 14, 2015 to December 15, 2015 More

International Workshop for the Book Project on “The Future of Gas Markets”

Rome, Italy

OCP Policy Center and the International Affairs Institute (IAI) are organizing an international workshop between December 14th and 15th in Rome in which prominent international experts will discuss different topics related to the future of gas markets. The event will feature the presentation of research papers to be co-published in a book about the future of gas markets. The publications will assess the evolution of the global gas markets in the face of changing (oil) price dynamics and new gas demand and supply patterns from old actors as well as newcomers. The experts will also explore gas trends in the different parts of the world while discussing specifics aspects of gas markets such as LNG for instance.

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Add to Calendar 2015-10-23 17:30 2015-10-23 20:00 Africa/Casablanca Table ronde: Quelle place pour le Maroc dans un nouvel ordre Atlantique? Campus HEM Rabat Le Cesem, centre de recherche de HEM, organise conjointement avec OCP Policy Center, une table ronde le 23 octobre 2015, de 17h30 à 19h30, dans les locaux de HEM Rabat, sur « La place du Maroc dans un nouvel ordre Atlantique ». Cette manifestation intervient ainsi dans le prolongement du dossier Economia présentant une série de travaux de recherche relatifs au lien entre le Maroc... Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
October 23, 2015 More

Table ronde: Quelle place pour le Maroc dans un nouvel ordre Atlantique?

Campus HEM Rabat

Le Cesem, centre de recherche de HEM, organise conjointement avec OCP Policy Center, une table ronde le 23 octobre 2015, de 17h30 à 19h30, dans les locaux de HEM Rabat, sur « La place du Maroc dans un nouvel ordre Atlantique ». Cette manifestation intervient ainsi dans le prolongement du dossier Economia présentant une série de travaux de recherche relatifs au lien entre le Maroc et le bassin Atlantique. Elle s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet ‘Atlantic Future’ initié par l’Union Européenne et auquel le Cesem et l’OCP policy Center sont parties prenantes. Ainsi, avec le concours de 14 partenaires internationaux, différentes thématiques ont été envisagées dans la perspective d’une meilleure compréhension de cet espace à l’aune des mutations géoéconomiques et géopolitiques mondiales. 

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Add to Calendar 2015-06-26 09:30 2015-06-26 13:00 Africa/Casablanca Workshop on Commodity Market Instability and Development Policies Paris Organized by the Ferdi (Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International) and OCP Policy Center Paris OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
June 26, 2015 More

Workshop on Commodity Market Instability and Development Policies


Organized by the Ferdi (Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International) and OCP Policy Center

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