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Speech of H.E Olusegun Obasanjo at the African Think Tank Summit : “Think Tanks and Regional Integration: Strategies for Long-Term Impact"

| Posted : May 31, 2018


Thank you for the invitation to address the 2018 Africa Think Tank Summit  in this memorable city of Rabat. I thank in particular, the OCP Policy Center and the Think Tank and Civil Societies Program of the University of Pennsylvania for hosting the Summit with the theme “Deepening Expertise and Enhancing Sustainability: Insight into Contemporary Challenges Facing African Think Tanks”.

Is the south crucial to NATO’s strategic future?

Bouchra Rahmouni | Posted : May 30, 2018

In a more chaotic and critical Mediterranean security environment that is facing a huge geopolitical change, the NATO alliance has found itself challenged by rival states across the spectrum of conflict. Russia, which represents an instance of this change, has acquired for the first time in its modern history a proper permanent base in the Mediterranean. Also, other geopolitical changes such as proliferation of ballistic missiles among both state and non-state actors around the Mediterranean Sea hold key military and commercial transit points at risk ranging from the Bab-el-Mandeb, to the Bosporus, to Gibraltar. Given these challenges, NATO found itself in a situation that necessitates the launch of a partnership framework on new foundations. For this reason, NATO decided to establish a focal platform dealing with non-classified information and gathering national and military structures, professors, experts, international organizations as well as non-governmental organizations. Based at the Allied Joint Force Command Headquarters in Lago Patria Naples, this platform has been fully operational since December 2017.

Leçons de méthodologie fondamentale apprises sur le tas

Abdellah Saaf | Posted : May 16, 2018

Autrefois, dans les années 60,70,80, l’apprentissage se faisait dans une ambiance caractérisée par un rapport de considération, de profond respect, voire de grande vénération, pour ceux qui nous enseignaient, ceux qui savaient et qui nous ont influencé dans notre parcours personnel. Beaucoup d’entre eux méritaient le titre de « maîtres », sorte de gourous, de repères quasi-existentiels, en raison des savoirs qu’ils ont accumulés en tant que pôles de savoir, de connaissance, de rigueur, d’exigence. L’ambiance des apprentissages de toute nature, à l’école, et dans le vaste champ intellectuel, semblait marquée par une militance propre aux milieux pédagogiques de l’époque selon le champ disciplinaire où ils agissaient, de générosité intellectuelle, de don de soi, d’engagement moral, d’arsenaux épistémologiques offerts aux apprentis, …

This is the perfect storm, but nobody wants to talk about it

Helmut Sorge | Posted : May 11, 2018

Awad Ibrahim, chairman of the Lybian Organisation of Policies and Strategies (LOPS), one of the few think tanks in this violence-torn country, has escaped to establish contacts with his African colleagues at the African Think Tank Summit held in Rabat from May 9th to 11th. For a few years he was Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy in his country, and later appointed Deputy Prime minister. At times Awad Ibrahim fears for his life, but he believes a political solution between the two competing power centers in Lybia is still possible, even through elections. When ? He remains silent… No one knows. Dr Awad Ibrahim, educated in electrical engineering, was in his world when he discussed the role of think tanks in advocating for green energy in Africa, a session chaired by Aziz Mekouar, the ambassador to multilateral negotiations of COP 22 and future representative of Morocco in China. 

Olusegun Obasanjo speaks at the African Think Tanks Summit 2018

Helmut Sorge | Posted : May 10, 2018

These days, the word "crisis" is gaining a new urgency around the globe… Crisis of humanity, of water, hunger, poverty, climate. Crisis of war, destruction, terrorism. And a crisis of thought, intellectual exchange, theories transfered into reality. And a crisis of think tanks, eventually, although their work matters, since it sends signals, offers proposals and applicable solutions. 

Climbing a tall knowledge ladder

Otaviano Canuto | Posted : May 10, 2018

The April issue of the IMF’s “World Economic Outlook (WEO)” included a chapter on how globalization has helped knowledge from technology leaders spread faster than before. Cross-border technological diffusion has not only contributed to rising domestic productivity levels in advanced and emerging economies, but also facilitated a partial reshaping of the technological innovation landscape, with some recipients becoming new significant sources of research and development (R&D) and patents. It behooves us to understand what would it take for such change in the innovation landscape to be even broader. 

Les think tanks africains : grande diversité et défis communs

Mokhtar Ghailani | Posted : May 10, 2018

Le sens communautaire évoqué par Karim El Aynaoui, directeur général de l’OCP Policy Center, dans son allocution de bienvenue aux participants à la seconde édition du Sommet des think tanks africains, s’est exprimé dans toute sa richesse et sa diversité le 9 mai.

Think tanks in Africa : a special role for the road ahead

Sabine Cessou | Posted : May 09, 2018

Think tanks are blooming in Africa, as they have been in the USA, Europe and China… Some are already mature, like the Codesria, launched in 1973 in Dakar (Senegal) or the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), first established in 1991 in Pretoria, with regional offices opened in Cape Town, Addis Abeba and Nairobi. 

The Absolute Reality of the Unreal

Helmut Sorge | Posted : May 03, 2018

“Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and smart” (Donald Trump on Twitter).

Les paradoxes et les tendances du marché du travail au Maroc

Mokhtar Ghailani | Posted : May 02, 2018

La conférence-débat, organisée par l’OCP Policy Center, en association avec Sciences Po Paris Alumni Maroc (AMASP), le 26 avril 2018, autour du livre « Les enjeux du marché du travail au Maroc », et co-dirigé par Karim el Aynaoui et Aomar Ibourk, ne pouvait mieux tomber. 
