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The Misunderstood Link Between Trade and Migration

Uri Dadush | Posted : January 16, 2019

The trade war between China and the United States roils stock markets, and the World Trade Organization is at risk of extinction because major players ignore its rules. But the fierce controversy surrounding the Global Compact on Migration, a mild and non-binding document which several of the countries gathered in Marrakesh – including about one-third of EU members - refused to sign, shows that migration is even more radioactive than trade. As they face a backlash against globalization, policy-makers are under far greater pressure to contain migration than to stop imports.

Atlantic Dialogues 2018 : l’originalité d’un débat intercontinental

Sabine Cessou | Posted : January 15, 2019

La 7ème édition de la conférence internationale Atlantic Dialogues, organisée par Policy Center for the New South (PCNS), à Marrakech du 13 au 15 décembre 2018, a été une nouvelle occasion de débattre de manière transatlantique des grandes questions économiques et géopolitiques du moment. Sous le thème « Dynamiques atlantiques : surmonter les points de rupture », il y a beaucoup été question de la politique étrangère des Etats-Unis, mais aussi de la montée du populisme, avec l’exemple du Brésil, ainsi que de la perspective d’une nouvelle crise financière internationale.

Entretien avec Pedro Pires, ancien Président du Cap-Vert

Lemine Ould M. Salem | Posted : January 15, 2019

Il faut quitter le pouvoir quand la loi et les urnes l’imposent

Vétéran de la guerre de libération contre l’occupant portugais, et acteur majeur de la démocratisation de son pays, l’ancien Président capverdien fait partie des rares dirigeants africains qui ont quitté le pouvoir de manière démocratique. Dans l’entretien qui suit, il dresse le bilan des indépendances africaines, livre ses impressions sur la situation de la démocratie en Afrique, et analyse quelques grands évènements survenus ces dernières années sur le continent. 

Entretien réalisé en marge de la 7ème édition des Atlantic Dialogues du Policy Center For The South, tenue à Marrakech du 13 au 15 décembre 2018.

World Bank: A Hummingbird on the Firing Line

Otaviano Canuto | Posted : January 14, 2019

Last week Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, unexpectedly announced his resignation, effective as soon as next month and three and a half years prior to the end of his second mandate. Given the current environment of challenged and weakened multilateralism, the aftermath of his succession has a relevance that transcends the limits of that institution.

The Hungarian Drama

Helmut Sorge | Posted : January 09, 2019

“The most severe setback since the rise of Fascism in the 1930s”

The football players at the beach of Essaouira are moving barefoot through the sand, at times entangled in a clumsy ballet of bodies and legs, moving from a pas de deux to a pas de vingt deux, a movement neither choreograph, Balanchine, nor composer, Strawinski, ever created. These athletes, a few fishermen among them, are competing with the ghosts of Ronaldo, Neymar or Messi. The kids are not different from the Indian boys battling it out on a garbage dump near Calcutta, or the children of Novosibirsk in Siberia, where they kick the ball on a frozen lake and ignore the danger of concussions by heading the icy ball at temperatures of minus 33 degrees. Or the youth of Germany, survivors of a devastating war. Surrounded by ruins-- bombs shattered lives, fire consumed the future. We were poor and undernourished, forced by the Swedish Red Cross to swallow, daily, a metal cup of raw cod liver oil, which was supposed to give undernourished children’s strength. It tasted like biting into a raw fish, a kind of early sushi experience. Blood, partner of pain, was ignored, whenever a sliding tackle on the gravel-covered pitch was needed. Skin came off the knees and elbows. We played on, winning against tears and self-pity, developing into adolescents believing we were men.

Cyberwarfare (Part 2)

Helmut Sorge | Posted : January 04, 2019

If you haven't read Part 1 of Cyberwarfare, click here.  


In March 2018, the US Department of Homeland Security warned critical infrastructure operators of Russian cyberspace attacks targeting industrial control systems. Particularly endangered would be nuclear facilities, energy and water. Just recently, the Marriott /Starwood hotel chain revealed that hackers plundered 327 million guest files, including passport numbers and credit card details. The accused intruder: China. Beijing has been the suspect in another heist in 2014. The hacking of the United States Office of Personnel Management— capturing millions of detailed forms, which Americans fill out to obtain a security clearance (Sanger).
