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Synthesis Report: 2nd Edition of the African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO)

August 26, 2018

After a successful first edition, the second edition of the African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO) took place in Rabat on June 18-19,...

Rapport de synthèse de la 2ème édition de la Conférence Annuelle sur la Paix et la Sécurité en Afrique (APSACO)

Ce Rapport revient sur les moments forts qui ont marqué la 2ème édition de la conférence APSACO, l’autre événement phare du Policy Center for The New...

Angola: One year into the Lourenço presidency. What's next?

Mehdi Benomar | August 15, 2018

After João Lourenço was elected president of Angola in August 2017, succeeding José Eduardo Dos Santos, who had led Angola for thirty-eight years,...

Angola: Présidence Lourenço An I et après ?

Suite à l'élection en août 2017 de João Lourenço en tant que président à la place de José Eduardo Dos Santos, qui a dirigé l’Angola pendant...

China’s Economic Statecraft in Africa

Hisham Aidi | August 06, 2018

Africa is the top recipient of Chinese aid.  In the early 2000s, China became Africa’s largest trading partner and a leading investor and provider of...

Trends and cyclicality of commodity prices (part 2): questioning the commodity super-cycle

Yves Jégourel | August 01, 2018

As discussed in the Policy Brief n. 17/32, which largely focused on the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis, commodity prices are subject to very long-term...

Tendances et cyclicité du prix des matières premières (partie 2) : le super-cycle des matières premières en question

Comme le rappelle le Policy brief 17/32 consacré en large part à l’hypothèse dite de « Prebisch-Singer », la dynamique du prix des matières...

L’Inde et le Maghreb

Abdallah Saaf | August 01, 2018

Dans cette minutieuse analyse des relations entre les pays du Maghreb et l’Inde, pays/continent, désormais classé au rang de 7ème puissance...

An Effective Technology Transfer System

Isabelle Tsakok | July 23, 2018

Why do farmers need access to newer technologies on a recurrent basis? Most subsistence farmers already know how to farm and undertake post-harvest...

Adjustment Is Back: The Political and Financial Crisis in Central African Oil-Producing Countries | Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville

François Gaulme | July 20, 2018

This paper aims to highlight both the financial, economic and political adjustment cycle, affecting two Central African petro-states, Gabon and the...

Le retour de l’ajustement : la crise des pays pétroliers d’Afrique centrale. Gabon et Congo-Brazzaville

Cette note vise à mettre en lumière le cycle d’ajustement à la fois financier, économique et politique affectant deux pétro-États d’Afrique centrale...

Macro and Political Stability Essential Condition for Successful Agricultural Transformation

Isabelle Tsakok | July 06, 2018

Maintenance of macro and political stability over decades is essential for sustaining an environment where private incentives to invest in higher...

Welfare and Regional Integration Agreements: Lessons for Africa

Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub , Tharcisse Guèdègbé, Will Martin | July 03, 2018

In the developing world, regional integration is frequently seen as an opportunity to promote development. However, historical facts and economic...

New and Emerging LNG Markets: The Demand Shock

Sylvie Cornot-Gandolphe | June 30, 2018

Over the past decade, an increasing number of emerging markets has joined the liquefied natural gas (LNG) import club. From 7 countries in 2010, they...

Marché du GNL: Choc de demande dans les pays émergents

Au cours de la dernière décennie, un nombre croissant de marchés émergents a rejoint le club des importateurs de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL). De 7...
