Sabine Cessou
| Posted : January 21, 2022
This energetic and straightforward young American leader has made a crucial choice in life: to accomplish her mission the way she sees it, and embrace it. It may sound like the plot of a Paolo Coelho novel, but it is not, as her story is unfolding in real life.
Helmut Sorge
| Posted : January 14, 2022
Lucy Williamson, a BBC reporter on assignment in the southern French town Béziérs, was surprised when she observed about a hundred people lined up in front of the auditorium where a “polémiste réactionaire” (Le Temps, September 24, 2021), was scheduled to speak. They waited and waited -no more seats. “Not bad for a man, who has not declared his candidacy yet”, noted the BBC-journalist. (October 19, 2021). The show was for free, and a show it was. Politics removed from political science, replaced by populism, a touch, at times an overdose, of racism when Eric Zemmour is provoking, insulting, debating or speaking, as in Béziers, about those “un- French” persons involved in the education system,” infiltrated by Marxism, anti-racism and LGBT ideologies, paid with your taxes, they constantly spit on you, they spit on the history of France and culture, and they spit on the French people, whom they want to disappear”.
Sabine Cessou
| Posted : January 14, 2022
“Entrepreneurial, curious, energetic”. This is how Youssef Kobo, a Belgian citizen coming from a Moroccan family, would describe himself in three words. Always on the road, this busy traveler is taking part in conferences and workshops all over the world. His line of work? He is an individual consultant on strategic innovation.
Rim Berahab
| Posted : January 13, 2022
As part of the lengthy fight against climate change, the European Union (EU) has introduced a Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), among its "Fit for 55" package, intended to deliver the EU's intermediate target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 55% from 1990 levels by 2030. This proposal is deemed "bold, complicated, even controversial." If implemented, it will undoubtedly disrupt trade relations between the EU and its main partners and transform energy dynamics in the Atlantic basin. The CBAM aims to introduce a carbon price to imported products inside the EU equivalent to the carbon price applied to products manufactured by EU producers under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). It "would require importers to purchase carbon emissions certificates for imports that the EU determines are not produced under emissions standards similar to those of the EU." While the sentiment behind the CBAM is commendable - several countries have indeed welcomed the proposal - others have expressed concerns about its application, noting several issues that may arise from it.
Helmut Sorge
| Posted : January 12, 2022
Feeble eyesight may hinder you from finding Puntland on a map, the unrecognized Federal member state in Somalia, Khaatumo State, Jubaland, or Somaliland, concerning the planet’s size just large enough to be covered by the shadow of a palm tree. Arab entities surrounded by sun and sand and the Gulf of Aden, Somaliland is surviving as a self-declared nation, located on the southern coast of the Gulf of Aden bordered by Djibouti to the northwest, Ethiopia to the south and west, Somalia to the east.
Francis Perrin
| Posted : January 04, 2022
A la fin avril 2021, Total (aujourd’hui TotalEnergies) annonçait le retrait de son personnel du site d’Afungi, dans le nord-est du Mozambique, et déclarait la force majeure pour le projet gazier Mozambique LNG. Ce projet, qui devrait normalement être opérationnel en 2024, porte sur la production et l’exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) à partir de très importantes ressources de gaz naturel découvertes dans le bassin de Rovuma (Zone offshore 1) en mer. Ce retrait temporaire du groupe français d’un projet majeur (le coût de la première phase est de $20 milliards) faisait suite à la prise de la ville de Palma, dans la province de Cabo Delgado, par des forces plus ou moins proches de Daesh (l’Etat islamique). Palma est voisine du site du projet Mozambique LNG. L’intervention d’unités militaires étrangères provenant de la Communauté de développement de l’Afrique australe (SADC) et du Rwanda a permis d’éloigner cette menace mais celle-ci est loin d’avoir disparu.