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The Belt and Road turns five

Uri Dadush , Michael Baltensperger | January 13, 2019

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an international trade and development strategy. Launched in 2013, it is one of the ways China asserts its...

Mobility in cities: Distributional impact analysis of transportation improvements in São Paulo Metropolitan Region

Eduardo A. Haddad , Nancy Lozano-Gracia, Eduardo Germani, Renato S. Vieira, Shohei Nakamura, Emmanuel Skoufias, Bianca Bianchi Alves | January 07, 2019

Good connectivity within cities is an essential input for productivity and livability in cities, but the distributive impacts of improvements in...

Rare Earths and China

John Seaman | January 01, 2019

China’s dominance in the production of rare earth elements symbolizes the competition for once obscure sets of mineral resources in our increasingly...

La Chine et les terres rares

La domination de la Chine dans la production de terres rares illustre la compétition qui se joue autour des ressources minérales dans un monde...

The Role of a Flexible Foreign Exchange System in Macroeconomic Adjustment: The Case of Morocco.

Abdelaaziz Aït Ali | January 01, 2019

Morocco has moved towards a more flexible exchange rate system by widening its currency fluctuation bands to +/- 2.5% around a central price. This...

Rôle du régime de change flexible dans l’ajustement macroéconomique : cas du Maroc.

Le Maroc a initié une première étape vers l’adoption d’un régime de change flexible, en élargissant les bandes de fluctuations à +/- 2,5% par rapport...

Trade Integration in the Economic Community of West African States: Assessing Constraints and Opportunities Using an Augmented Gravity Model

Abdelaaziz Aït Ali , Rim Berahab | December 28, 2018

This study assesses and compares the determinants of intra-trade in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Association of...

Med Report 2018 Building Trust: The Challenge of Peace and Stability in the Mediterranean

ISPI , Uri Dadush , Fathallah Oualalou , Tayeb Amegroud | December 24, 2018

In this edition of the Med Report, three Senior Fellows from the Policy Center for the New South contributed to the Report.

The Niger-Libya Border: Securing It without Stabilising It?

Mathieu Pellerin | December 21, 2018

Often described as an “ungoverned area”, the Niger-Libya border is nevertheless at the centre of major economic, political and security challenges....

La frontière Niger-Libye : sécuriser sans stabiliser ?

Fréquemment qualifiée « d’espace non gouverné », la frontière nigéro-libyenne est pourtant au cœur d’enjeux économiques, politiques et sécuritaires...

ATLANTIC CURRENTS : An Annual Report on Wider Atlantic Perspectives and Patterns - Overcoming the Choke Points

Abdelhak Bassou , Badr Mandri, Bouchra Rahmouni , El Mostafa Rezrazi , Eric Ntumba, Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub , Hafsat Abiola, Mbuih Zukane, Mohamed Benaïssa, Mohammed Loulichki , Otaviano Canuto , Paulo Antonio Paranagua, Rachid El Houdaigui , Rim Berahab , Soukeyna Ndiaye Ba, Tharcisse Guèdègbé, Uri Dadush , Yassine Msadfa, Younes Abouyoub, Youssef Mahmoud, Maha Skah | December 13, 2018

The yearly Atlantic Currents publication aims to provide a detailed analysis and a fresh perspective about ongoing cultural, economic, political and...

De la COP21 à la COP24 : bilan d’étape

Maha Skah | December 07, 2018

L’action collective de lutte contre le changement climatique a longtemps été freinée par de puissants clivages, à la fois géopolitiques et...

Youth Unemployment in the Middle East & North Africa, and the Moroccan case

Uri Dadush | December 06, 2018

This Policy Paper aims to provide a better understanding of the drivers of youth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by...
