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Defence & Security Acquisition – a Guide to a Complex System

John Louth & Trevor Taylor | August 22, 2017

This paper reports on the vital relationship between government and defence industries, and how the core features necessary for defence and security...

A Practitioner’s Guide for Building the Interregional Input-Output System for Morocco, 2013

Eduardo Amaral Haddad , Fatna El Hattab , Abdelaaziz Aït Ali | August 09, 2017

This paper reports on the recent developments in the construction of an interregional input-output matrix for Morocco (IIOM-MOR). As part of an...

Synthesis Report : African Peace and Security Annual Conference – APSACO

August 04, 2017

The African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO), organized by the OCP Policy Center, was held from July 10 – 11, 2017 in Rabat. This first...

Rapport de Synthèse : Conférence Annuelle Africaine Sur la Paix et la Sécurité - APSACO

La Conférence Annuelle Africaine Sur la Paix et la Sécurité (APSACO), organisée par l’OCP Policy Center, s’est tenue les 10 et 11 juillet à Rabat....

Quantitative Tools to Understand and Forecast Commodity Markets

Ahmed El Ghini, Yassine Msadfa , Youssef Saidi | August 02, 2017

Understanding the commodity markets development and dynamics is of first-order importance for the global economy, since they seem to impact the...

African Union: What are the Possible Options for Strategic Autonomy?

Rachid El Houdaigui | July 31, 2017

The African Peace and Security Annual Conference (APSACO), organized by the OCP Policy Center, was held from July 10 – 11, 2017 in Rabat. This first...

What Role Can Renewable Energy and Water and Food Securities Play for North Africa and the Middle East ?

Rabi H. Mohtar | July 28, 2017

Renewable energy technologies are projected to have substantial growth in the coming decades, especially given the environmental, social and economic...

Decoupling economic growth from CO2 emissions in the world

Rim Berahab | July 24, 2017

The progressive warming of Earth suggests an important danger for future populations. As stabilizing the level of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the...

Découplage entre croissance économique et émissions de dioxyde de carbone dans le monde

Le réchauffement progressif de la terre laisse présager un danger important pour les populations futures. Stabiliser le niveau de gaz à effet de...

When politics darkens the independence of South African justice

Mohammed Loulichki | July 21, 2017

The decision of the South African High Court on June 15, 2017, ordering to seize the Moroccan phosphate cargo destined for New Zealand and to take...

Lorsque la politique occulte l’indépendance de la justice sud-africaine

La décision du 15 juin 2017 de la Haute Cour sud-africaine ordonnant le maintien sous séquestre de la cargaison du phosphate marocain destinée à la...

Brazil – Morocco : a Roadmap Ahead

Marcus Vinícius De Freitas | July 14, 2017

Thinking creatively the bilateral relationship of Brazil and Morocco is quintessential for enhancing its reach and possibilities. The world is...

Cohésion Sociale, institutions et politiques publiques

Sous la direction de : Abdallah SAAF | July 13, 2017

Le Maroc, avant les effets de la mondialisation, apparaissait comme une société de solidarité mécanique où l’intérêt collectif semblait prendre le...
