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Add to Calendar 2018-10-02 08:30 2018-10-02 10:30 Africa/Casablanca L'islam politique après les Printemps arabes : Regards croisés en Afrique du nord et en Europe Contexte Suite aux vagues de protestations désignées sous le nom des « printemps arabes », les pays concernés n’ont pas tous abouti aux mêmes résultats. Les fruits de ces manifestations ont varié en fonction des différences et des spécificités de chaque pays. En particulier, l'islam politique s'est révélé à la faveur de ces événements, avec notamment le succès emporté par les partis qui s'en... Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
October 02, 2018 More

L'islam politique après les Printemps arabes : Regards croisés en Afrique du nord et en Europe


Suite aux vagues de protestations désignées sous le nom des « printemps arabes », les pays concernés n’ont pas tous abouti aux mêmes résultats. Les fruits de ces manifestations ont varié en fonction des différences et des spécificités de chaque pays. En particulier, l'islam politique s'est révélé à la faveur de ces événements, avec notamment le succès emporté par les partis qui s'en réclamaient lors des élections qui ont pu se tenir au Maroc, en Tunisie, et en Egypte. Chaque société a vécu ses propres mutations, rendant toute généralisation ou tentative d’explicitation commune particulièrement complexe.  Aujourd’hui, les conséquences sont extrêmement diverses : transition démocratique, reconstructions, réformes, contre-révolutions, guerres civiles, restauration autoritaire et autres. Alors que l’islamisme s’est construit en porte à faux de la modernité occidentale et que le débat sur les pratiques des européens de confession musulmane est plus vif que jamais, les lectures qu’en font les Européens et les pays du Maghreb sont également très différentes.

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Add to Calendar 2018-10-01 09:00 2018-10-01 18:00 Africa/Casablanca Workshop on Coping with Climate Change Paris, France By invitation The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), in collaboration with OCP Policy Center, IMF and other organizations will hold a workshop on October 1, 2018 at the OCP offices in Paris. Staff from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)—which has scaled up its research and policy advice on climate change issues—and the World Bank will participate,... Paris, France OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
October 01, 2018 More

Workshop on Coping with Climate Change

Paris, France

By invitation

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), in collaboration with OCP Policy Center, IMF and other organizations will hold a workshop on October 1, 2018 at the OCP offices in Paris. Staff from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)—which has scaled up its research and policy advice on climate change issues—and the World Bank will participate, along with experts from the climate change community, academics and think tanks.

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Add to Calendar 2018-09-28 09:00 2018-09-28 18:00 Africa/Casablanca Call for submissions: Africa and global commodity markets: towards a new paradigm? For the 6th Bordeaux Workshop in International Economics and Finance   Theme Over the last two decades, as in previous decades, commodity prices have gone through particularly significant upward and downward phases, which have not been without major consequences on the economic, social and political realities of African exporting countries. The ambition of this workshop, two years after the return of bullish prices, is to appreciate the nature of the various links... Bordeaux OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 28, 2018 More

Call for submissions: Africa and global commodity markets: towards a new paradigm? For the 6th Bordeaux Workshop in International Economics and Finance



Over the last two decades, as in previous decades, commodity prices have gone through particularly significant upward and downward phases, which have not been without major consequences on the economic, social and political realities of African exporting countries. The ambition of this workshop, two years after the return of bullish prices, is to appreciate the nature of the various links that unite Africa and world commodity markets and to characterize a possible paradigm shift. Considering the high degree of commodities’ price instability, has the macroeconomic resilience of the African continent increased over the last decade? What have been the consequences of the financialization of commodity markets on the reality of African producers? What are the challenges that Africa must now overcome to ensure the economic diversification that governments are calling for? Is there a significant evolution since the end of the super-cycle of the relations between Africa on the one hand and Western or Chinese groups on the other? What are the opportunities offered to African producers by the creation of the Continental free trade area and the promotion of continental demand? Is a reform of global commodity markets that would benefit African countries now only a distant utopia? So many questions, among others, that this workshop will try to address. This analysis could be as general as it could be specific to a specific commodity or a (group of) country. In this respect, this workshop is not necessarily limited to strictly economic approaches and remains open to alternative approaches combining economics, politics, geopolitics, law, or sociology as long as they open a new perspective on the theme of this workshop.

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Add to Calendar 2018-09-28 09:00 2018-09-28 18:00 Africa/Casablanca 6th Bordeaux Workshop in International Economics and Finance: Africa and Global Commidity Markers: towards a New Paradigm? Bordeaux, France By invitation. Over the last two decades, as in previous decades, commodity prices have gone through particularly significant upward and downward phases, which have not been without major consequences on the economic, social and political realities of African exporting countries. The ambition of this workshop, two years after the return of bullish prices, is to appreciate the... Bordeaux, France OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 28, 2018 More

6th Bordeaux Workshop in International Economics and Finance: Africa and Global Commidity Markers: towards a New Paradigm?

Bordeaux, France

By invitation.

Over the last two decades, as in previous decades, commodity prices have gone through particularly significant upward and downward phases, which have not been without major consequences on the economic, social and political realities of African exporting countries. The ambition of this workshop, two years after the return of bullish prices, is to appreciate the nature of the various links that unite Africa and world commodity markets and to characterize a possible paradigm shift. Considering the high degree of commodities’ price instability, has the macroeconomic resilience of the African continent increased over the last decade? What have been the consequences of the financialization of commodity markets on the reality of African producers? What are the challenges that Africa must now overcome to ensure the economic diversification that governments are calling for? Is there a significant evolution since the end of the super-cycle of the relations between Africa on the one hand and Western or Chinese groups on the other? What are the opportunities offered to African producers by the creation of the Continental free trade area and the promotion of continental demand? Is a reform of global commodity markets that would benefit African countries now only a distant utopia? So many questions, among others, that this workshop will try to address. This analysis could be as general as it could be specific to a specific commodity or a (group of) country. In this respect, this workshop is not necessarily limited to strictly economic approaches and remains open to alternative approaches combining economics, politics, geopolitics, law, or sociology as long as they open a new perspective on the theme of this workshop.
The workshop welcomes submissions by academics, practitioners and regulators (theoretical, empirical or historical) must be complete and written in English (Call for Applications)

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Add to Calendar 2018-09-27 17:00 2018-09-27 19:00 Africa/Casablanca Présentation du Rapport Genshagener: “La coopération franco-allemande à l'égard du Maghreb - Convergence des objectifs, divergence des politiques”. OCP Policy Center, Rabat. Pour des raisons historiques, l'Allemagne et la France entretiennent des relations très différentes avec les pays du Maghreb. Toutefois, ces dernières années, les intérêts des deux pays ont fortement convergé en ce qui concerne la région.  OCP Policy Center, Rabat. OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 27, 2018 More

Présentation du Rapport Genshagener: “La coopération franco-allemande à l'égard du Maghreb - Convergence des objectifs, divergence des politiques”.

OCP Policy Center, Rabat.

Pour des raisons historiques, l'Allemagne et la France entretiennent des relations très différentes avec les pays du Maghreb. Toutefois, ces dernières années, les intérêts des deux pays ont fortement convergé en ce qui concerne la région. 

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Add to Calendar 2018-09-26 09:00 2018-09-28 18:00 Africa/Casablanca Anchor Projects for Regional Energy Development and Industrialisation Accra, Ghana  Energy projects are the major driver for industrialisation and electricity development. Under the theme ‘Anchor Projects for Regional Energy Development and Industrialisation’, the Regional Energy Co-operation Summit (RECS) is focused on unleashing energy, oil and gas potential in West Africa and beyond. Looking at the entire energy supply chain, the summit addresses the regional... Accra, Ghana OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 26, 2018 to September 28, 2018 More

Anchor Projects for Regional Energy Development and Industrialisation

Accra, Ghana 

Energy projects are the major driver for industrialisation and electricity development. Under the theme ‘Anchor Projects for Regional Energy Development and Industrialisation’, the Regional Energy Co-operation Summit (RECS) is focused on unleashing energy, oil and gas potential in West Africa and beyond. Looking at the entire energy supply chain, the summit addresses the regional electricity market, cross-border energy infrastructure, investment partnerships in upstream and downstream gas and renewable energy development among other topics. 

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Add to Calendar 2018-09-26 09:00 2018-09-26 13:15 Africa/Casablanca Africa’s Rising Debt: Implications for Development Finance OCP Policy Center and the Global Economic Governance Africa (GEGAfrica) programme will organize a workshop September 26 on “Africa’s Rising Debt: Implications for Development Finance”. The aim of this event is to share with the Moroccan community the first findings of the study, which addresses an issue of primary concern for African countries and attempts to devise concrete policy... Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 26, 2018 More

Africa’s Rising Debt: Implications for Development Finance

OCP Policy Center and the Global Economic Governance Africa (GEGAfrica) programme will organize a workshop September 26 on “Africa’s Rising Debt: Implications for Development Finance”. The aim of this event is to share with the Moroccan community the first findings of the study, which addresses an issue of primary concern for African countries and attempts to devise concrete policy recommendations. The report draws from the Moroccan authorities’ experience in conducting their fiscal policy since the financial crisis of 2008. This report also sheds light on the Nigerian experience, considering recent macroeconomic developments.  Through this event, OCP Policy Center and GEGA expect to gather viable feedbacks from different stakeholders, such as government institutions, academia and think tanks, to help strengthen their analysis and further their policy recommendations.

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Add to Calendar 2018-09-25 09:00 2018-09-25 14:00 Africa/Casablanca Joint Seminar Energy Strategies in Africa: Identifying the Challenges and Addressing the Priorities Accra, Ghana IMANI Center for Policy & Education and OCP Policy Center are co-organizing the first Strategic Dialogue on the theme “Energy Strategies in Africa: Identifying the Challenges and Addressing the Priorities” in Accra, Ghana on September 25, 2018. Accra, Ghana OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 25, 2018 More

Joint Seminar Energy Strategies in Africa: Identifying the Challenges and Addressing the Priorities

Accra, Ghana

IMANI Center for Policy & Education and OCP Policy Center are co-organizing the first Strategic Dialogue on the theme “Energy Strategies in Africa: Identifying the Challenges and Addressing the Priorities” in Accra, Ghana on September 25, 2018.

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Add to Calendar 2018-09-20 12:00 2018-09-20 17:00 Africa/Casablanca Smart development model : un nouvel horizon économique pour le Maroc ? The View, Rabat, Maroc La région du Maghreb se trouve aujourd'hui à un carrefour stratégique - l’occasion de  s'engager sur la voie de la réforme et de la prospérité. Sa richesse naturelle et son capital humain ont le potentiel de se transformer en une croissance économique inclusive et la situation géostratégique de la région la positionne à une jonction clé du commerce mondial. Afin de... OCP Policy Center, Rabat, Maroc OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 20, 2018 More

Smart development model : un nouvel horizon économique pour le Maroc ?

The View, Rabat, Maroc

La région du Maghreb se trouve aujourd'hui à un carrefour stratégique - l’occasion de  s'engager sur la voie de la réforme et de la prospérité. Sa richesse naturelle et son capital humain ont le potentiel de se transformer en une croissance économique inclusive et la situation géostratégique de la région la positionne à une jonction clé du commerce mondial. Afin de contribuer aux efforts existants, l’étude stratégique « Développement intelligent pour le Maghreb » (Sommaire), commissionnée par le Programme Régional Sud Méditerranée de la Fondation Konrad Adenauer, présente des recommandations concrètes sur des réformes structurelles visant à stimuler les potentiels de croissance économique et de développement inclusif dans la région.

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Add to Calendar 2018-09-18 18:00 2018-09-18 20:00 Africa/Casablanca Présentation du Rapport Annuel Mondial sur le Système Economique et les Stratégies 2019 par Thierry de Montbrial Les chocs du futur    Académie du Royaume du Maroc Ouvrage collectif publié cette année sous la direction de Thierry de Montbrial et Dominique David, RAMSES est l’ouvrage prospectif de référence de l’Ifri, qui fournit à un large public les clés et repères indispensables pour décrypter les évolutions du monde. RAMSES permet au lecteur d’entrer dans l’actualité internationale en respectant, et même... Rabat, Maroc OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 18, 2018 More

Présentation du Rapport Annuel Mondial sur le Système Economique et les Stratégies 2019 par Thierry de Montbrial

Les chocs du futur 


Académie du Royaume du Maroc

Ouvrage collectif publié cette année sous la direction de Thierry de Montbrial et Dominique David, RAMSES est l’ouvrage prospectif de référence de l’Ifri, qui fournit à un large public les clés et repères indispensables pour décrypter les évolutions du monde. RAMSES permet au lecteur d’entrer dans l’actualité internationale en respectant, et même en accompagnant, sa liberté de jugement et de choix. S’ouvrant sur les perspectives de Thierry de Montbrial, président de l’Ifri, RAMSES propose une vision d’ensemble de l’actualité internationale, avec une priorité : mettre en lumière, expliquer et discuter les évolutions relatives aux relations internationales et à la gouvernance, et aider à mieux comprendre les mutations du monde.

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