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ADEL Portrait : Hanae Bezad, an entrepreneur with a cause

Sabine Cessou | Posted : April 26, 2021

It is the beard in which all power lies - Molière (1662)

Helmut Sorge | Posted : April 12, 2021

The COVID-19 Virus and the Liberation of Women

It seems not much has changed in almost 400 years since Molière wrote these words in his comedy The school for wives. Male dominance, God-like characters, known as men, united in inexcusable discrimination, sexism, gender inequality, infallible men forever trying to rule the world. “A wife who writes, knows more than can be good for her”, Molière’s main character sighs in the play, insisting that female brightness as a rule “is a bad omen/And I know men, who’ve undergone much pain because they married girls with too much brain…”. Who would dare argue that Molière’s scenario of machismo is the past? A woman manages the European Union and female astronauts have ventured to the space station. Yet women are not equal in the minds of millions of insolent, incorrigible machos.

ADEL Portrait : Seleman Kitenge, Project Assistant and Speech Writer for the CEO of AUDA-NEPAD

Sabine Cessou | Posted : April 09, 2021

As a Project Assistant responsible for Speech Writing in the Office of Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD, Seleman Kitenge, born in 1989 in Tanzania, is now based in Johannesburg. He was first a volunteer for the African Union (AU) in the same role for one year, before being hired in August 2020 by the AU Development Agency.

Incapacité à converger

Uri Dadush | Posted : April 06, 2021

Les revenus sur la rive Sud de la Méditerranée sont de l'ordre d'un cinquième à un tiers de ceux de la rive Nord, des ratios qui n'ont pas beaucoup évolué au cours de la dernière génération. Ce n'était pas censé se produire. Le Processus de Barcelone, mis en place en 1995 en tant que partenariat entre l'Union européenne et les pays de l'est et du sud de la Méditerranée pour promouvoir la croissance et la stabilité dans la région, l'intégration économique grâce au commerce, à l'investissement et à des flux migratoires ordonnés, devait permettre d’accroître les revenus dans le sud.  Un rapport objectif de la Banque mondiale, publié en décembre 2020, montre comment la rive Sud de la Méditerranée reste aujourd'hui, malgré de nombreux accords commerciaux et de nombreux programmes d'aide au développement, la région la moins intégrée, la moins stable et celle qui connaît la croissance la plus lente au monde.

The Pandemic Will Leave Scars on the Job Market

Otaviano Canuto | Posted : April 05, 2021

All economies affected by the pandemic have something in common. The rate of vaccination of the population—quite different in different countries—has been the main factor determining the prospects for the resumption of economic activity, as it is a race against local waves of transmission of the virus.

Failure to Converge

Uri Dadush | Posted : April 02, 2021

Incomes on the southern shores of the Mediterranean are about one-fifth to one-third of those on the northern shore, ratios that have not changed much over the last generation. This was not supposed to happen. The Barcelona Process, set up in 1995 as a partnership between the European Union and eastern and southern Mediterranean countries to promote regional growth and stability, economic integration through trade, investment, and orderly migration flows, was expected to boost incomes in the south. A sober World Bank Report, published in December 2020, shows how today—despite many trade agreements and numerous development aid programs—the southern rim of the Mediterranean remains the least-integrated, least-stable and slowest growing regions of the world.

Un chemin semé d'embûches pour éliminer les subventions des carburants au Nigeria

Rim Berahab | Posted : March 31, 2021

Depuis la découverte des ressources pétrolières du Nigeria en 1956, le secteur pétrolier a progressivement revêtu une importance considérable, jusqu'à devenir le principal moteur de l'économie du pays : le pétrole brut est le premier poste d'exportations (figure 1) ainsi que le principal pourvoyeur en réserves de devises et de recettes fiscales pour le gouvernement fédéral nigérian (figure 2). Cependant, malgré son importance, le secteur pétrolier n'a pas élargi la base productive de l'économie nigériane. En effet, l'industrie pétrolière contribue à moins de 10 % du produit intérieur brut (PIB) du pays (figure 3) et ne procure pas un volume important de main-d’œuvre. Selon les estimations de l'Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), cette dépendance précaire de l’Etat au secteur constitue ce qui semble être un frein à la croissance d'autres secteurs tels que l'industrie manufacturière et l'agriculture. Elle a également été préjudiciable à la croissance économique elle-même, en raison de la volatilité des prix du pétrole brut sur le marché international, laissant le Nigeria vulnérable à toute crise majeure.

A Possible Tug-of-war Between the Fed and the Markets

Otaviano Canuto | Posted : March 25, 2021

The projections for United States GDP released by the Federal Reserve on March 17, pointed to a growth rate of 6.5% in 2021, well above December’s 4.2% forecast. Congressional approval of the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion fiscal package and the vaccination march against COVID-19 explain the rise in the estimate. However, it should not be forgotten that growth in 2021 will follow a fall in GDP of 3.5% last year.

A New Evil is Bringing Down the World

Helmut Sorge | Posted : March 24, 2021

It was an illusion. A dream or wishful thinking—and some fake news. Scientists would develop a vaccine at break-neck speed. It would be available for all, wealthy nations sharing with the poor. But unfortunately the COVID-19 deaths continue to mount. The world is facing a maddening bottleneck, predicted in October 2020 by the Policy Center for the New South on its opinion page, quoting scientists calculations that twelve to fifteen billion vaccine shots were needed, but glass manufacturers would be unable to deliver the needed vials in time, and the distribution process would be extremely difficult and slow for the first generation of vaccines.

L’accord Union européenne-Chine sur l’investissement : un test à double détente

Dominique Bocquet | Posted : March 08, 2021

Cet article sera publié dans le numéro 173 de la Revue Commentaire.

Le président chinois Xi-Jin-Ping et les plus hauts responsables européens se sont accordés fin décembre sur les termes d’un Accord global sur l’investissement (Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, CAI). Le texte reste à formaliser, mais les dirigeants se sont engagés.
