Yonas Adeto , Karim El Aynaoui
, Thomas Gomart
, Paolo Magri
, Greg Mills
, Karin Von Hippel
, Guntram Wolff
| Posted : April 09, 2020
Il coronavirus promette di cambiare la politica globale. La velocità e la portata del contagio, così come la gravità del suo impatto, non sono fake news, come abbiamo già imparato a nostre spese. Il virus si diffonde rapidamente nel mondo, passando da persona a persona, e il contenimento delle sue conseguenze è indissolubilmente legato alla disponibilità di risorse e al buon funzionamento dei meccanismi di governance. Per queste ragioni, i leader globali dovrebbero porre molta attenzione all’impatto che la pandemia potrebbe avere sui paesi più vulnerabili, in particolare in Africa.
Abdelhak Bassou
| Posted : April 07, 2020
Le monde : ‘’Une société de crise’’
La multiplication de catastrophes naturelles et la montée de leur probabilité d’occurrence, la répétition des crises de tous genres (économiques, politiques, sociales et sécuritaires) et l’interdépendance accrue, du fait de la mondialisation, ont mis au premier plan le facteur de la résilience[1]. En effet, il ne s’agit plus d’évaluer le risque ou de l’anticiper, tellement sa probabilité d’occurrence s’est accrue, mais surtout de limiter les dégâts et d’assurer la reprise après le désastre. Aucun Etat ne peut, aujourd’hui, face aux calamités, se poser de question sur la probabilité de son exposition aux risques, ces derniers sont tellement nombreux et fréquents que la chance d’y échapper dans un monde globalisé devient quasi nulle.
Mouhamadou Moustapha LY
| Posted : April 07, 2020
Le Covidonomics est la branche de l’analyse économique qui s’intéresse aux mécanismes par lesquels la pandémie affecte les économies du monde ainsi que les réponses de politiques économiques qui puissent répondre aux défis inhérents à la propagation du Covid-19.
Rim Berahab
| Posted : April 06, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is evolving into an unprecedented international crisis, with serious consequences for human health and economic activity. While it is still too early to accurately determine the magnitude and persistence of the economic impact of the pandemic, a short-term assessment can be made. This short opinion focuses on the implications for energy markets. The rapid decline in crude oil prices has raised concerns on both the demand and supply sides, making the outlook for this market very uncertain. Meanwhile, despite a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in some of the hardest-hit regions, which is very likely to be unsustainable, low fossil-fuel prices could potentially stall significant progress in the development of clean-energy technologies, thus hampering energy-transition efforts.
Otaviano Canuto
| Posted : April 06, 2020
The global reach of COVID-19 is now clear. In a short time, country after country has suffered outbreaks of the new coronavirus, with each facing a three-fold shock: epidemiologic, economic, and financial. In addition to dealing with their own local coronavirus outbreaks, emerging market and developing countries have faced additional shocks from abroad.
Helmut sorge
| Posted : April 03, 2020
His delicate, almost floating touches created a hitherto unseen aesthetic perfection: the enigmatic face the Mona Lisa. The mysterious woman, captured on a panel of poplar wood, is the work of a genius, possibly one of the greatest minds in human history: Leonardo da Vinci.
Amanda O. Mathe
| Posted : April 03, 2020
The Mara Group, producer of the Mara smartphone, has set up manufacturing facilities in two key strategic countries, Rwanda and South Africa, with a total estimated investment of $100 million.
On the back of political shifts in South Africa, President Cyril Ramaphosa embarked on an investment drive, announced in his state of the nation address in 2018. This was followed up with an investment conference, at which Ashish Thakkar, CEO of Mara Group, announced a $100 million investment in a high-tech manufacturing plant that is now situated in South Africa’s Dube Tradeport (Special Economic Zone). The second manufacturing plant is in Rwanda, and was launched in October 2019.
Helmut Sorge
| Posted : April 02, 2020
On January 24, 2020, the Bana, a freighter, left the Turkish port of Mersin. Its destination was the Tunisian harbor of Gabes. It was a routine trip, until its transponder was deactivated and the ship disappeared from the radar. No mayday was received; the boat vanished like a ghost. Four days later a satellite observed three dots approaching Tripoli, Libya and when the images were enlarged, it became clear that the Bana was on a secret mission, since she was shadowed by two Turkish navy G-class frigates. At the end of March, the BBC broadcast the proof: videos, obviously recorded by a cell phone, documenting some of the cargo: tanks, jeeps with anti-tank guns, self-propelled howitzers.
Carolina Zuheill Rosales
| Posted : April 01, 2020
The Multidimensional Poverty Index provided for the UNDP (United Nations Developed Program) looks beyond monetary income and shows how poverty is the experience of multiple and simultaneous deprivations. People can fall behind in terms of health, education, and living standards, with challenges including lack of access to drinking water, sanitation, adequate nutrition, or primary education. Those who are deprived of at least one third of the index’s components are classified as multidimensionally poor. The 2018 figures, which are now closely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, cover almost three quarters of the world's population that there are poor.
Youssef El Jai
| Posted : April 01, 2020
« Economists have a bad track record in predictions, so I will not try my hand at predicting the effect of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) on the global financial system or the global economy. »
Thorsten Beck